Instructional Setup Videos
The below videos have been made to detail the setup process for any of our items requiring installation.
If you get stuck at anytime please feel to reach out via; or refer to the after hours numbers on your booking confirmation.
Archway Products
This video details how to setup our Archway Products - eg. Marry Me, or Rex Archway.
Flatpack Bars with NO ROOF
This video details how to setup our Flatpack Bars with NO ROOF - eg. Martini Bar, Apple Cider Bar.
Flatpack bars WITH ROOF
This video details how to setup our Flatpack bars WITH ROOF - eg. Lemoncello Market Stall.
Display Walls
This video details how to setup our Display Walls such as our Peg Walls or Panel Beater Walls.
Mesh Walls
This video details how to setup our Mesh Wall products.
Farleigh Shelving
This video details how to setup our Farleigh Shelving.